
Cara Install Camfrog Advanced Server 5.0 Rooms in CentOS linux OS

Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb ,

Sebelum Menuju Ke TKP Sebaiknya Siapkan Bahan Yg Di Butuhkan

  1.  Putty
  2. Kopi 
  3. Rokok
Tentunya Yg Ke 2 dan 3 Tidak Penting =))

Maaf Kali ini Saya Menjelaskannya Menggunakan Bahasa Sehari Hari Saya =))

 step 1 : log in to your server Putty or any program supports SSH

step 2 :  Command :   wget

step 3 :  Command : rpm -i get.php?type=fasl --nodeps

step 4 : Command :   cd /etc/camfrogserver.d

step 5 : Command :  nano cf_server.conf

step 6 :  After opening the cf_server.conf file..... we will paste a text inside it

# Enable remote access protocol. You can control your server using Windows-base$remote_control_enabled=on# Username/password for remote console access (full server management)remote_control_login=testremote_control_password=test

you can change your control login and password   any thing you need
then close file and save the change   Ctrl + x

step 7 : Command :    service camfrogserver start

step 8 : Now download Camfrog Advanced Server to your PC, and  Install it

step 9 : Open Camfrog Advanced Server > Server Options > Change Server

Connect to your Server and Done  :)

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